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Demi Lovato Reveled to Popstar! about her relationship with Guys:

“I know guys pretty well, my dad, he's filled me in on everything. But the one thing that I don't understand is games, although I like it when guys play games because then it makes it exciting!
But I still don't understand why they have to flirt with your friends in front of you
or why they have to not call or why do they always have to be masculine all the time! Hello, tone it down! My biggest deal-breaker with guys is when they flirt, and when I hear that they use the same lines on other girls.
For instance, there's been a few times or whatever I'll like a guy and then I'll see him flirting with my best friends. It's just because he has flirty personality, but I'm like, 'Nope, sorry, I'm done!'
Photo: StarTraks.


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